Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Marathon Training: Day 22 - 39 days to go

Well, made it out of the 40's....this marathon will be here before I know it. I'm really wishing it would hurry up because I'm getting paranoid that I'm going to injure something as I prepare.

Ran 5 miles tonight on the treadmill with my new shoes. I sure do love the Brooks Adreneline 10's and glad I found them 4 months ago...thanks Omega Sports!!!!

I feel like maybe I waited just a tad too long to get the new shoes because my left heel has been a tiny bit achy (has done this before) and my right lower calf seems to have a "ting" to it (again has done this before). These minor ailments have cured themselves in the past and I'm hoping by running in the new shoes, it will happen again.

I did run a little slower than usual on the treadmill tonight as I broke in the new shoes, heel, and calf. Managed to get my 5 in as planned, and felt really good. Nothing hurt at all while I ran.

When I got off the treadmill, I did go ahead and take a precautionary measure by putting an icepak on my right calf, just in case! I feel like I may be a little sensitive since I'm worried about something going wrong before my marathon...but....the ice won't hurt

Planning on running another 5 again tomorrow and hopefully, the weather will be okay and we can run outside.

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