Saturday, August 16, 2008


Didn't run today. I had all intentions in running at some point, but I never made it. I really didn't do much today.
Scott worked, and after that we went to Hooter's and ate wings and then rode over to Pure Gold, where they were having their annual "Gold Rush" bike show. It was okay - but as usual it looked like it was going to rain. So, we didn't stay very long.
Came home and I watched the Olympics for the rest of the day. Even though I didn't run, I ran in my mind as I was the marathon runners complete 26 miles in like 2 hours 15 minutes.....geez........... how do they do it.
They talked about a chinese runner that has come back from hip problems, and she runs like 700 miles a month - something like a marathon everyday. It didn't say if she ran it all at once daily or if she ran multiple times during the day. I've read in runnersworld, that some of the runners who are "pros" actually running 4-5 times a day to get their mileage in. Kudos to them!!!!!
I did call my cousin Mike today and he's going to walk around the lake with me in the morning. I'd figure I'd walk around the lake hopefully a couple times, if he'll do it twice, if not I'll go to like Wrightsville Beach and do some more.
Hey bro-in-law - you going to do the Dog Jog on September 6th there are Greeenfield Lake? It's a 5k.

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