Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday - December 14, 2009

What a great day!!! Got off work and then went with Scott and met Mike at Hugh McRae Park. Mike is trying to lose some weight so he's running a little. He managed to do some running/walking and did the equivalent of a 5k in a little over 36 minutes! Way to go Mikie!!

When we left there Scott and I went to the gym and I did another 4 miles...boy and I tired. I managed to get 7.1 miles in today...can you say WOW!!!


Unknown said...

And 9 today! You are crazy! but definitely motivation to us little people trying just for 5 haha.

luvmyharleydoggison said...

Thanks takes you guys to want to run races and all to keep me motivated as well. We all help one another! :)