Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday - January 25, 2010

Here is the award from the race. It is supposed to be an actual part of the original flooring from the battleship.

Well, I took yesterday off from running and I'm not running today. I'm going to walk at a pretty good rate this evening on the treadmill. My ankle is still a little tender, well, not my actual ankle, its more like the tendons...not bad and I'm sure I could run if I wanted, but another day will do it good.

Teacher workday today so I got a lot done at school. Another short week...gotta love them :)


Unknown said...

That is actually quite cool and neat if it is from the ship - a story with that one for sure. Rest up.

luvmyharleydoggison said...

Yeah, I know they redid the ship not too long ago and I don't think they'd tell a story.....or at least I surely hope not.