Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday - January 20, 2010

Had another wonderful day today. I was able to get the gym so for track practice we did more sprint laps and stairs. We started off with 1/2 mile warm up and then did 1.5 miles of sprint laps around the gym and stairs up and down the bleachers...boy is that a workout!!! After that we went outside and did 1 mile around the school.
Such a nice day today, so when I got home I walked Harley around the neighborhood and got another mile in....we actually did it in a tad over 14 minutes....pretty good I thought!
After tomorrow I should be at the 100 mile mark for the month. I'm running about 3-4 tomorrow and absolutely nothing on Friday...I'm going to hide my shoes...ha ha....
I'm still planning on doing that 15k on Saturday....maybe????


Unknown said...

How are you tracking your miles?

luvmyharleydoggison said...

I upload them through the nike +