Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday - February 2, 2010

Haven't updated in a few days. Nothing much going on. Still running with the kids after school. They are doing much better. We did our second 3 mile timing and the times were definitely better. This encourages them to keep it up!
I had to cancel the running today because its rainy out and we couldn't get the gym. Early release tomorrow, so they won't be running again. I hope Thursday won't be to tough on them.
I ran 8 miles today on the treadmill. Wouldn't much rather been outside on a nice 65 degree day...oh well I'll do what I must! I looked back at my stats for January and I ran all but 8 days in that month. So far I've ran both days this month. Not sure if I'll get the 150 mile mark or not for February. I need to sometime get in a longer run outside since I'm doing the half at the end of March. I sure hope it's not cold, rainy or windy!! I've had all the races I can handle with that type of weather.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's to a warm, not too hot, calm breeze, sunny day for your long run. :0)