So who celebrates their 23rd anniversary by running 18 miles? Yep, that would be Scott and I. He even said, maybe we should run run mile for each year we've been
Got up around 7'ish had so coffee and pancakes...courtesy of Scott (he wakes up before me cause he can't sleep as well as I do). We got dressed, packed our stuff needed and off we went.
Made our way to Greenfield Lake and got out and headed down Front street. We both had out new running pouches that allowed us both to carry our phones and listen to Pandora while we ran. It was pretty nice listening to some new music. I got the double pouch so I could take a few other things as well.
Heading back from downtown, we were at mile 5 and some changed when I almost face planted!!! I tripped on the sidewalk and just knew I was a goner...but I survived somehow! What a damper that would have been on my training...skinned knees and elbows, or missing teeth!
It was a little warmer out today so we ran like 6 mile increment runs so we could stay near the car where we had plenty of water, orange slices, 1/2 peanut butter sandwiches and gels for Scott.
Unlike last week, we stopped at the car 4 times this week instead of 2, and I had to make an emergency bathroom stop. I recommend to all those planning on running a long distance, not to eat a big ole steak for dinner. It was very slow to digest, and unfortunately chose to do so while we were
All in all, we felt much better today finishing that last week. Again, our goal is to run between 10-11 min miles.
M1 - 10:29..warm up mile
M2 - 9:43
M3 - 9:48
M4 - 9:58
M5 - almost fall episode
M6 - stop....bathroom break
M7 - 10:32...bathroom break
M8 - 9:46
M9 - 10:07
M10 - 9:49
M11 - stop
M12 - 9:36
M13 - 10:22...bridge walk
M14 - 9:45
M15 - stop
M16: 9:34..sure does a body good to stop
M17: 10:08
M18: 9:23...yeah me!!!!
wow thats amazing! I couldn't imagine running 18miles.
Yeah, I couldn't imagine it either at one gotta be ready for January!
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