Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday - already???

Can't believe it is already my weeks just fly by teaching those night classes.
Haven't been updating my specific runs, but I've been running, just updating my monthly total.

Nothing else real exciting going on except took Harley man to the vet for his shots on Tuesday and yesterday he was so sore and didn't hardly eat, drink, or move around....but today....he's back to normal.

Scott and I went and ran around the lake today....we pushed Harley man in the stroller and I pushed him about 1/2 mile and got tired....well I'd already ran 3 miles so I was getting tired anyway. Scott said it was tough....sorta evened out or running pace. It was fun! Ran 4.21 in 39 minutes. That was pretty good, we walked about .25 miles of it.

The best was, I ran the first mile at 7:59 pace. 4th mile at 8:13. I can't get accurate results on the others because I was already walking before I hit the record button on the Ipod.

1 comment:

Uncivil said...

I ran 1.5 miles wednesday sis and walked a mile. It's still too hot outside for me.
Good pics of Harleyman!