Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Went to the gym with Scott the morning. I didn't run on the treadmill, only walked since I haven't run in the last few days. I walked almost 5 miles. I'll add some running back tomorrow hopefully it will be a tad bit cooler outside.
Took Harley-man to the vet with mom today. He got the normal shots needed and weighed in at a big 4.5 pounds!!!! Mom thought he was underweight, but THANKS DR. BILL....for assuring us that he was "perfect" in size!
But, before we left today I put on his collar and when I do that he gets excited. Scott took a picture for me of him "sitting pretty".
I've also included a picture of Scott's new canopy he's put up in the backyard to keep the boat under.

Here he is sitting pretty. Scott didn't zoom in so if you click on the picture you can see it better.

Here he is just looking at me asking "can I please go?"

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