Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday - March 22, 2010

Wow...I have so many things off my shoulders now. The half marathon is over and my national boards are completely done! Now I feel like I can have a little more "me" time.
Had a great time at the race on Sunday. I was hoping to come in under 2 hrs, but I managed to come in at 2:00:21..all I needed was to be 22 seconds faster. I honestly didn't have it in me. Between mile 11 and 12 was the absolute hardest for me. We were running a long stretch of Military Cut-off before we turned into the back side of Mayfaire....the more I ran, the farther that left hand turn got. :)
I finished #161 out of 724 in the womens division. So, I'm happy. Well, I'd been happy regardless because I can say I did it. Now, I'll be relaxing and focusing more on 5k's until about August, then I'll be getting ready for the Battleship half in November. I'm hoping I can convince Scott to do that one with me. I've done it before and he's done the 5k, but I think he'd enjoy the fact of knowing he actually did it! It's really an amazing feeling.
I've decided to change my workout a little by adding something more than just running. I'm going to do a little "cross-training" as well. So, I'll be biking, doing the elliptical, and incorporating the nautilus equipment. I need to do something to strengthen my legs because they seem to get really heavy when running longer distances
Today I:
Walked: 30 minutes on the treadmill for a total of 1.85 miles.
Stationary Bike: Did the hill setting on level 4 for 30 minutes for a total of 7.10 miles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree I'm doing cross training and lifting for that main reason it seems to slow me down on the long distances the legs feel like 50lb weights.